Kelly + Chen – An elegant engagement in Montreal’s beautiful old port


Kelly and Chen came to visit Montreal for the first time and they absolutely love our city. It was also their first time having poutine (at La Banquise!!!) and of course…they loved it! They wanted to be captured in the most Montrealesque setting so we picked Montreal’s beautiful Old Port for their engagement photos! With an incredibly photogenic couple, a beautiful dress and gorgeous sunlight, it was hard not to take a pretty photo. Kelly and Chen, it was a pleasure getting to know you and we wish you the best on your wedding day. Here are our favourite photos from the photo shoot.


Linda - These are beautiful engagement portraits. Montreal is such a pretty city.September 12, 2016 – 11:31 am

Magda - Thank you Linda, we had an amazing couple to work with, and indeed- Montreal is beautiful ;)September 13, 2016 – 8:21 am

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