Katie + Dan | A Magical Vintage Engagement

Sometimes everything falls into place just right, and our relationship with Katie and Dan is a perfect example of that. We hit it off right away with them and so far it’s been a magical ride.

When we found out their wedding was going to be MadMen themed we were thrilled. We could just picture it…whiskey tumblers, lucky strikes, skinny ties, hair pomade and old fashioned drinks…We fell in love.

Katie and Dan wanted to have their pre-wedding photoshoot also themed the same way and they weren’t skimping on any details! Katie went to authentic vintage shops and bought two adorable vintage dresses, gloves and even heels. Dan dressed the part to match with two fantastic outfits too! Magda and I are both huge fans of MadMen having watched all seasons and eagerly trying to catch up with season 5, so our brains started working in overtime for this shoot. We really wanted to find a spot that reflected the era and would create a believable and romantic atmosphere.

After many days of searching and scouting we finally discovered McDougall Manor here in Montreal. A 1920′s mansion with grounds that matched our vision to the tee.

All Katie and Dan had to do was get within two feet of each other and their love took over. It was really hard not to swoon looking at these two. And Tobey was quite the hansome canine too I might add!

I’ll leave you with our favourite images from the whimsical day we spent with Katie and Dan, and if this is what we came back with from the engagement shoot…I can only dream of what will be at the wedding…

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

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vintage engagement photography montreal

vintage engagement photography montreal

Jesse - Sweet set guys, loving the colors!May 4, 2012 – 1:41 pm

Clark Kent - Absolutely delicious!May 4, 2012 – 11:28 pm

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