amber & pete

I think we must have re-scheduled this e-session a million times! Weather, oh how I sometimes loathe you… Thank goodness we finally scheduled a good day because Amber and Pete moved to Germany the day after of the shoot!!! And their wedding is coming up in just a month so we needed these photos to design the sign in book, phew.

They were so cute. They drove up in a rental car because all their posessions are already en route to Europe but they still brought a change of clothes for this shoot (which we love by the way). We’re really happy with the way the evening turned out with a beautiful sunset, farm country and lots of love in front of the lens. We cannot wait to shoot their wedding next month!

I leave you with some of our favourite shots of the day:




















Eva - OMG how cute are you two. Love the look…feels like home :) Beautiful shots and amazing light!!September 9, 2010 – 4:17 pm

Jesse - So many cool unique images, fantastic shoot guys!September 9, 2010 – 7:49 pm

Montreal Weddings - Great post!!Loving so much….September 20, 2010 – 7:54 am

Samantha - Oh wow, i noticed a few of these pictures are from the barn i keep my horse at, these pictures are so beautiful!September 24, 2010 – 11:35 am

Bartek & Magda | Blog » Blog Archive » amber + pete - [...] to Europe. And that’s exactly what happened! You may remember these two from a really cute engagement session we shot back [...]November 21, 2010 – 11:16 am

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