rebeca + vince

It’s incredible how time flies! It seems like just yesterday that we photographed Rebeca and Vince’s engagement photos? But it really was in May and we’re already missing the summer and the wedding season’s already winding down!

The wedding season’s almost drawing to a close but we’re still blessed to be photographing many more awesome weddings before the year is done. One of these most recent was Rebeca and Vince’s wedding. The love that we felt between these two during the e-shoot was present again during the whole wedding day and even though it rained, the day turned out fantastic. We wish you two a wonderful life together and judging by what kind of connection we’ve seen between the two of you…we think you’ll do just fine ;)

Here are a few of our favourite shots from the day, and below is a slideshow with even more images! Enjoy…





















Rebeca and Vince - OMG We are in love with our photographs. We know you had to work very hard this day battle the rain and our sickness. We had a great time with you and the end product is fabulous. Thank you so much~~ Love the Ghostine’sSeptember 23, 2010 – 11:33 pm

tino82 - Wow, nice pics!!! I really enjoy your blog, looking forward to read more here. I invite you to have a look in our site I hope you enjoy it. 27, 2010 – 6:44 pm

Q&A: what cookware is the best, the “farberware porcelain cookware” or the “”Anolon Advanced Bronze”? | Cast Iron Cookware Sets Reviews - [...] Bartek & Magda | Blog » Blog Archive » rebeca + vince [...]September 28, 2010 – 4:06 am

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