Nina + Angelo + Milena – A family photo session in Montreal’s Old Port

a_montreal_family_photosession_00001Nina and Angelo have been a part of our photography world for the past few years. Getting to spend time with them is one of the highlights of our business, so you can imagine our excitement when we got a call from them to photograph their family with their newest member, adorable cutie pie, Milena!

Starting with their engagement session five years ago, then their beautiful Le Mirage wedding four years ago and then fast forward to last fall with a baby bump session…to end up today, with a brand new, gorgeous Milena joining Nina and Angelo’s life adventure. Here are some select images from our time spent with the young family in Montreal’s beautiful Old Port. Nina and Angelo, thank you for always trusting us with capturing timeless memories for you. We wish you a wonderful life together and congratulations on the most photogenic and best behaved little girl we have ever had the pleasure of photographing.

Bartek & Magda
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