Ginette + Matt | a sunny Vancouver wedding

This will be a very special blog post for both Magda and I. The reason? Well…Matt and Andrew are Magda’s twin cousins which she adores to the fullest. We are blessed to have been able to frequently fly out to Vancouver and visit them and our extended family over the years, but this time…Matt was getting married.

On one of our last trips to Vancouver, we got a chance to meet Matt’s fiance, at the time, Ginette! Just like Matt, she comes from an incredibly faithful and loving family. That along with her completing every bit of Matt’s life made us immediately see that they were perfect for each other. Did I mention that Ginette is a chef? And a pretty spectacular one at that too!

Our week in Vancouver went by incredibly fast. We hung out with Matt and Ginette, cousins, visited uncles and aunts and enjoyed all the things we miss about Vancouver from when we used to live there. Our daughter Klementine bonded with the kids of the family… especially with her “twin” cousin Miss. Samara… They were both born on the same day of the same year just an hour apart, it was awesome. Then came time for the wedding…

This was a unique opportunity for us since we were also guests at the wedding. Balancing that can be quite tricky, but we always manage to enjoy the best of both worlds. Lucky for us, Vancouver decided not to rain this time! We had beautiful sun pouring through the stained glass windows in the church.  It also followed us to the beautiful rainforest, hills and waters of the city during the photo session.

Now, we had a really hard time looking clearly through our viewfinders at the reception. See, we learned just how powerful a bond between twins can be when Matt’s brother Andrew took the podium. It is a bond like no other, even different than a parent with their child or a couple. It is so incredibly strong that Andrew had a hard time putting into words just how much he will miss his brother…but yet that he will always be happy and be there by his side wherever they may go. I’m starting to well up just remembering this.

Once the traditional Polish dancers hit the floor, it was time to party…and for us to put our cameras down!

Matt and Ginette, we wish you and your families the most blessings we can wish for. Knowing your families, we have no doubt that you two will have an incredible and fun journey together and we thank you for taking us along for this special day. We hope you enjoy your photos…and don’t forget to click on the link below for the slideshow!

vancouver wedding photography

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milsztof - Stunning shots, beautiful ceremony, gorgeous couple.November 16, 2012 – 4:54 am

Ewa Drwiega - Beautiful pictures as always ! Your artistic eye, sincere and loving approach to your profession and hard work are captured in your pictures every time.
We are so proud of you ! Love you both beyond words ! mom and dadNovember 16, 2012 – 11:08 pm

bartekandmagda - Mi and Tatus, thank YOU for the never ending support and help. With out you guys this would not be possible for us. We love you both too very much! love, Magda and Bartek and of course KlementineNovember 17, 2012 – 9:42 am

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