Hollis + Karl – A wedding at restaurant 18 in Ottawa


When Karl called me to tell me he got engaged, I was simply thrilled. Karl and I (Magda) go way way back all the way to Grade 9!! Each coming from different parts of the world, Karl from Australia and I from Montreal/Poland, we lived on the same street and quickly bonded as good friends.

I only met Hollis for the first time on the wedding day itself, but quickly saw her as a wonderful girl with a warm heart and a great love for Karl, and knowing Karl, I can see how she is his everything. Karl being such a warm smiley teddy bear himself, I am really happy he found someone that matches his kind heart!

The wedding was very small and very intimate. Unfortunately as life sometimes has it, Karl’s dad has fallen ill. And therefore, for Hollis and Karl nothing was more important than to have him part of the big day! So, the plan was in full swing and before anyone knew it, Hollis and Karl were exchanging rings and putting smiles on their family’s faces in the beautiful Restaurant Eighteen in Ottawa! As much as Hollis and Karl were the focus of attention that day, all eyes and ears were also on Karl’s dad. The smile Karl’s dad had from ear to ear was as heart warming as the love between the young couple.

This was one special ceremony we were honored to be a part of this year! Not only did I get chance to reconnect with my close friend from high school, but I was able to help capture one of the most important days in his life.

We wish Karl and Hollis the most wonderful life together! Thank you for having us a part of this incredible celebration and we are keeping Mr. Mendes in our thoughts and prayers.

With that, we leave you with our favourite moments from the day. as well as a little slideshow. We hope you enjoy…

Hollis + Karl | Slideshow




Judy Sparkes - Hi Hollis and Karl. Congradulations!
Did you really get married on April 14th? That is our anniversary too. We just celebrated 25yrs yesterday.

Wish you many years of happiness and growth together!

Judy & Jeff SparkesApril 15, 2015 – 11:54 pm

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