Natalia + Felix – A wedding in Berlin

It has been a while since we last posted on our blog and there’s a good reason for that. We had the off season for weddings and most recently we came back from a fantastic six week road trip covering Eastern Europe.

Among the incredible sights of Poland, Berlin, Bavaria and the Czech Republic, we were also guests at Natalia and Felix’s beautiful wedding.

It was a stunning day. The sun came out and the temperature was just right…not too cold and not too hot. We were lucky because the days surrounding the wedding were iffy and had everyone slightly worried. We found beautiful gardens with a long trellis on the grounds of a store called the Villa Harteneck where we took Natalia and Felix for a relaxed portrait session. The reception was held at the ultra modern and sleek Stilwerk building overlooking Berlin from the top floor. The party was complete with Polish vodka, German beer and incredible performances by Felix’s relatives on brass and string instruments… They are a very talented bunch, including Felix’s sister who sang so beautifully at church and at the reception that it gave us goose bumps.

Seeing Natalia get married was quite special for Magda as she has known Natalia since they were very little girls. We had met Felix a few years ago when we flew to Germany and we right away knew why she fell in love.  All it takes is to glance at them together and you can see how in love they really are. Natalia and Felix, we wish you a lifetime of happiness together and we thank both your wonderful families for making us feel at home.

I leave you with a few photos from the day; mainly the portrait session, as we were quite busy partying the other times of the day ;)

Well, I guess that officially kicks off our 2012 wedding season! We are super excited for all our brides and grooms this year and we can’t wait to share our images with you all. Thank you for visiting and enjoy the photos…


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berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

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berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

berlin wedding photography

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