Saunders Farm Wedding – Sneak Peek | Cinemagraph

This weekend was absolutely amazing. First, we had the pleasure of shooting a fantabulous rustic wedding at Saunder’s Farm in Ottawa, yesterday we celebrated our 7th anniversary (love you babe!) and today Magda is celebrating her birthday! Crazy fun weekend.

We are writing to you all from Ottawa and wanted to share this post with you today…a sneak peek from Shawna and Mark’s wedding! We first discovered this technique on photographer Jamie Beck (From Me to You Blog) and Kevin Burg’s ( tumblr blogs and we just had to incorporate this into our weddings. They call this moving picture a “cinemagraph” and both Magda and I fell in love with the fascinating mix of a static image with a little bit of mysterious movement. We hope you like it! So exciting :) (best viewed in Google Chrome or Firefox…sorry Internet Explorer people!)

wedding cinemagraph

Jackie Petroulias - Just incredible! I have never seen this effect before, but I have to agree that it’s something very unique, eery, beautiful, and so many other words! Great job as always guys :)July 5, 2011 – 10:28 am

George Karaminas - Really interesting effect guys! BTW, it works in Safari too, as expected.July 5, 2011 – 5:41 pm

George Karaminas - I never though I’d see the return of animated GIFs on the modern web, but there may actually be a good use for them! ;-)July 5, 2011 – 5:44 pm

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