Stephanie + Stephen | Surfing at Macao Beach, Dominican Republic

I’m going to try and not write too much this time and just let the pictures do the talking, however I do have to say a couple things…

Firstly, if you haven’t seen Stephanie and Stephens wedding photos, you must click here if you want to follow this story properly! Then, you click here to view the day after session and then come right back here to see these photos! ;)

In short, Stephy and Stephen decided it would be a blast to get everyone at their wedding to learn how to surf. Boy were they right! They found the most beautiful place called Macao Surf Camp at the local Macao Beach in Punta Cana (which , by the way, always gets rave reviews on Trip Advisor and is one of the best things experience). On our way there everyone kind of looked at each other confused as to how on earth they were expected to surf…let alone get up on the board. But after a thorough lesson on land by the amazing staff, we were off to catch some waves.

It was honestly some of the most fun we’ve seen people have. Everyone manage to get right up on their boards and they were surfing! Yep. That’s right. Uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, people young and old with huge grins were riding waves all the way to shore. It was fantastic. Surfing was split up into two days so the first day Magda and I documented the first group and lucky for us…we too got a chance to try it. I have always wanted to try and surf and this was everything I expected!

If that wasn’t enough, during the break, a local man came riding up on a donkey to our group and started serving refreshing coconuts to drink and snack on. Last but not least is Jack the surfing Golden Retriever. He lives there with his owner and surfs all the time…it’s absolutely adorable! He’s even on YouTube!

Alright, that’s enough talk. I’ll let the photos do the rest of the talking.

Cowabunga dudes & dudettes!

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic


surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

macao surf camp

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

wedding surfing punta cana macao beach

wedding surfing punta cana macao beach

macao surf camp

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

macao surf camp

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

wedding surfing punta cana macao beach

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

wedding surfing punta cana macao beach

wedding surfing macao beach punta cana

wedding surfing macao beach punta cana

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

surfing wedding macao beach punta cana dominican republic

Ashley - Unreal how much fun they all had. Your control of the powerful sun amazes me. I’m definitely in awe of your crisp, clean and colorful photos. Well well done!February 3, 2012 – 12:04 pm

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