Jackie + George

Jackie and George had an 11 person wedding. Yes. And 11 person wedding! How cool is that? When we first found out that it was going to be a really small wedding we got very excited because we love different. We knew it was going to be special…and we were right :)

It was such a beautifully intimate day for them and everyone around them. Because there were literally only the closest family members present, everyone was extremely relaxed and Jackie and George focused their attention entirely on eachother! They decided to hold their unique wedding in Mont-Tremblant, Quebec which is a couple of hours just north of Montreal. They rented out Le Refuge Bed and Breakfast for the whole weekend which was just across the lake from the famous ski hill and Mont-Tremblant so the views were spectacular. It really was a magical place to get married.

Jackie and George oozed love. Seriously. The entire time we were taking photos of these two, we felt such sincerity in their words and their gazes into eachother. It makes our hearts melt when couples are this in love! Oh, and their vows were to die for!!! Magda cried… but she had her camera to hide behind ;)

We thank you for inviting us to cover your special day and we hope you fall in love with these photos just as we did and we hope your love continues to grow forever…








Tremblant was full of backlight goodness…










George, rockin’ it out in his all white linen wedding “suit” :)










Jackie & George meet for the first time just before the ceremony…






Jackie’s heart warming vows:




The wedding was Greek Orthodox and the priest was awesome!








Finally married! Yay! And now we were off to the photoshoot…








The first stop was the marina just opposite Mont-Tremblant:













That’s the mountain ahead and to the left. And you can see the Village at the base:






We LOVED the light in this next set of photos…










Sometimes flare, just works. And we love it :)








Then we headed over to the Mont-Tremblant village which has a really cool variety of architecture and colors.






























Click play below to see more from Jackie & George’s wedding day…


George - Holy moly! The pictures are gorgeous!! They’re everything we wished for! Thank you so much Bartek and Magda!September 24, 2009 – 8:07 am

Agapi - Can I just say that I just saw these pics at my desk at work and I had my entire department surrounded, watching the slide show, as I cried my eyes out (don’t worry, they were tears of utter happiness!). These pics are absolutely beautiful and if I could relive my wedding day, I would have chosen these photographers as well. Each picture is better than the next. Congrats guys. Have a happily ever after :-) xoxoxoxSeptember 24, 2009 – 9:38 am

Lena Yotis - Kala paidakia eiste ola ta lefta!! Polu trelokatastasi kai goustaro. San apo paramu8i na bgike moiazei. An me piasan ta zoumia apo tis foto skepsou na imoun ekei. Sas euxomai ta kalutera!! Mia zoi gemati eutuxia kai xamogela!!! Congrats stous photografous ontos polu artistes… eixan na kanoun omos kai me montela. Eiste kai oi duo panemorfoi. It makes the job easier ;). Na zisete kai bios anthospartos!!September 24, 2009 – 10:31 am

Eva - I could not wait for our children wedding pics.You’ve outdone yourselves.They are SPECTACULAR!!!! You have captured the love these two kids feel for eachother it’s heartwarming to see.Bartek and Magda you are truely gifted photographers.
Thank YouSeptember 24, 2009 – 10:35 am

Jackie Petroulias - Thank you so much Bartek & Magda. You made this whole process effortless and wonderful. You are truly the best photographers EVER and we thank you so much for being present at our intimate reception :)
We will send you pics of our honeymoon soon!!September 24, 2009 – 10:57 am

Christina - Beautiful pictures! The photographers did an excellent job capturing the love between George and Jackie. Way to go!September 24, 2009 – 2:14 pm

Amanda Karaminas - YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE A HOLLYWOOD COUPLE, gorgeous pictures!September 24, 2009 – 2:20 pm

Helen & Jimmy - Jackie and George: You don’t know how happy we are for the two of you. What absolutely stunning pictures! There should be a warning for hormonal pregnant women to grab a kleenex box before viewing the video :) Congratulations! We love you so much xox H & JSeptember 24, 2009 – 3:49 pm

Tim Petroulias - WOW!WOW!AND SOME MORE WOW! Guys, I don’t know where to begin. You guys rocked in these pictures. The most beautiful wedding pics i have ever seen. You 2 looked so natural that the love between the two of you shows. To Magda and Bartek, you guys did such an amazing job that i can’t stop looking at them. I also like how u guys captured the moments. BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you guys very much for making this such a memorable daySeptember 24, 2009 – 4:35 pm

Steffie + Mommy Nota - Bartek and Magda, you have done such amazing work! these pictures are absolutely stunning and could not have been more perfect. George and Jackie, you both looked beautiful!September 24, 2009 – 9:04 pm

Debbie and Moe - To My Beautiful Koumbaroi Jackie and George, every single picture is more beautiful than the previous one…YOU ARE BOTH GORGEOUS!!You couldn’t have chosen a better photographer to capture the special moments of your wedding; I felt like I was there. I absolutely loved the part where your parents are walking you down the aisle and George is blinfolded. My post could go on and on…big thanks to your photographers for bringing us to Tremblant with you. xoxoSeptember 25, 2009 – 7:42 am

Tina - OMG.. WOW!!!!!!! I have never in my life seen such gorgeous pictures!!!! You both look like models in a magazine… ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR!!! And the best part is that your love and happiness is captured by the camera ..so we feel like we’re there.. Congratulations again.. You make the most beautiful couple and George & I love you so, so, so, so much.. xoxoxoxoxoSeptember 25, 2009 – 6:03 pm

Donna & Socrates - WOW! How beautiful! Your photos left us breathless! This is the most beautiful wedding I have ever seen! Your Love, sincerity, kindness, and beauty, shine in every picture! I had goosebumps on my arms and tears in my eyes!! Thank you for sharing your special day with us! We love you both!September 27, 2009 – 6:10 am

despoina - paidia me kanate kai eklapsa toso poly..einai ola toso teleia…eiste to pio omorfo zeygari pou exw dei pote…pragmatika yperoxoi oloi..jackie tha deiksw sti mama to video,nomizw tha klaiei gia ena mina sigoyra..xixixi..filakia pollaaaaa..panta eytyxia kai erwtas…sas perimenw stin ellada olous..September 29, 2009 – 3:20 pm

Eric - Wow!
Great shots of a wonderful occasion!
Congratulations to both of you. I wish much happiness… (which you seem to already have a lot of!).October 3, 2009 – 1:09 pm

Carlo - great pictures you make a beautiful couple congratualtionsOctober 3, 2009 – 1:39 pm

Alexia - Thank you so much for sharing these pictures with me, they are beautiful and inspiring. Congratulations!October 3, 2009 – 3:45 pm

James Souvlis - To tell you how great you two look together and to tell you how beautiful your pictures are doesn’t quite express my joy. It’s simply wonderful to see a two beautiful, sincere, and caring couple tie the knot.
?? ??????
(I’m waiting for the baptism)October 3, 2009 – 7:47 pm

George Stroubakis - Jackie and George, Although many, I am certain, would have loved to celebrate this joyous day with you in person, this most wondrous mosaic of timeless moments evokes in each of us such joy and contentment. George and Jackie, thank you for making us share these moments with you. I sincerely hope that your life is decorated with myriads of them. It is only fitting that such joy be matched by a wedding with class, good taste and originality. Bravo and congratulations!

Much love,
GeorgeOctober 3, 2009 – 8:23 pm

Féliciano et Chrystelle - Wow… the photos are amazing! George, your wife is beautiful and you look kinda nice too ;) We’re really happy for you both. We wish you a long and happy life together, you deserve it.October 4, 2009 – 10:52 am

Roberto - congratulations to the both of you and very nice pictures. having both of you dressed in white gave a superb contrast to the rich colours of the Tremblant village and countryside. all the best.October 5, 2009 – 8:13 am

RAFFI - CONGRADULATIONS, Beautiful wedding pictures, wish you health, wealth and happinness, remember george a happy wife makes a happy life, cheers to the newlywedsOctober 5, 2009 – 10:44 am

Christine - This is a beautiful wedding! These pictures are amazing aud you both look so beautiful and in love. Congratulations to both of you and I wish you all the best and a happy life!October 5, 2009 – 2:04 pm

Norman - Thank you so much for sharing these amazing… beautiful… sweet… adorable… overwhelming… touching… pure… divine moments of love with us all… All I could possibly say repeatedly while watching was ‘oooooooooooohh!’ and ‘wow!’… :o) It is just too good and wonderful to witness so much love and happiness between 2 beautiful souls uniting. Wow! I’m so happy for you!October 5, 2009 – 4:01 pm

Giota Gerontzos - May God bless you both with Happiness and Beautiful moments as the ones you experienced on your wedding day!!! You both emit radiance in your pictures. (btw Fantastic photos, Great photographers) … George and Jackie… Na zhsete paidia :) Me Agaph, xoxox Giota GerontzosOctober 6, 2009 – 2:06 am

Bartek & Magda | Blog » Blog Archive » dimitri - [...] time flies! It seems like just yesterday we photographed Jackie & George up in Mont-Tremblant on their beautiful bohemian style wedding. They just had a beautiful baby [...]January 26, 2011 – 8:46 am

Bartek & Magda | Blog » Blog Archive » Dimitri - [...] time flies! It seems like just yesterday we photographed Jackie & George up in Mont-Tremblant on their beautiful bohemian style wedding. They just had a beautiful baby boy! [...]January 30, 2011 – 10:33 pm

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