Lindsay + Harley | Un mariage chez le Loft

We first met Lindsay and Harley over Skype a year ago and immediately knew we were the right fit for each other. They are both so open, enthusiastic, easy going and so full of life and trusted our every move. Like us, both of them are entrepreneurs as well! Harley runs a mega online store service Shopify which you most definitely heard of and Lindsay has a huge passion for food and writes about it, all over the internet. Oh, and just like we used to live in Ottawa, they live there now!!

Finally, it was time to get married. As expected, The Loft Hotel provided a beautiful setting for both the Chuppah to get married under and the off the hook party complete with a choreographed flash mob dance by the bridal party.

Not much else can be said about Lindsay and Harley’s family except that they are a genuine and loving bunch. Both sides accepted us into the day as though we were a part of it from the very first moment of planning. It was an absolutely beautiful day which couldn’t have been planned better. Lindsay, Harley, thank you so much for having us be there with you! We can tell you have something special between each other and wish you the best life has to offer.

I leave you with the slideshow and a handful of our favourite frames from the day! #loveandhustle

Lindsay + Harley | Slideshow
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isabella at ella photography - i love how they used the entrance for their ceremony! Light!November 6, 2013 – 2:00 pm

Lynn Lee - Beautiful work, as always. Love the window shot in the market, amazing!November 6, 2013 – 5:19 pm

Harley Finkelstein - Throwback to #LoveAndHustle Wedding.October 13, 2014 – 1:37 pm

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