Marie + Alex | a wedding at Marché Bonsecours


Where do I start? Perhaps I should start back at in 2012, when Magda and I were down south partying our butts off with Marie and Alex and their whole family at Steve and Stephanie’s wedding! It was an incredible week where we got to meet a whole lot of amazing people, including Marie and Alex.

Full of smiles, generosity and a lot of love, we fell in love with them and hoped that one day we would see everyone again at their wedding. And guess what? We finally DID this year!

Because Marie and Alex are so awesome and are surrounded by a million family and friends, they chose to do two weddings. One day for the closest friends and cousins and the second day for the whole family. We were there for the first beautiful and crazy day at Marché Bonsecours! The Old Port, as usual, provided for some gorgeous scenery but Marie and Alex had to work it a bit due to the blazing sun and a ton of tourists. However, as we expected, they were smiles throughout it all and it really paid off.

The party was an absolute blast! Marie and Alex were brought to tears numerous times during heart felt speeches by their best friends and surprise songs. We also haven’t seen a bride and groom dominate the dance floor so well as they did…we were highly impressed…but not surprised after getting to know them down in the Dominican!

If there is one thing we can take away from spending time with Marie and Alex, their friends and family, is a genuine love for life! Magda and I were absolutely thrilled to be a part of this day and we cannot thank them enough. I don’t have to tell you that it’s clear you have an incredible future together based on what we’ve seen so with that, we leave you with a slideshow and a few of our favourite images. A fair warning that the slideshow has a ton of images in it! We couldn’t help it ;) Thank you!

Marie + Alex | Slideshow


Sandra Nadeau - Excellente photos…c vraiment de toute beauté et pleines d’originalités!! Tous mes voeux de bonheurs
September 18, 2014 – 10:48 pm

Ashley MacPhee - Well that’s the funnest wedding ever!!!! gorgeous work as always guys! September 22, 2014 – 2:23 pm

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