Thuy-Lan + Scott | Lion d’Or Wedding in Montreal


Having never photographed a wedding at the Cabaret Lion d’Or before, Magda and I were really looking forward to it! Picture a very moody, traditional cabaret styled venue where people come to see beautiful performances performed on a red curtain stage. That’s exactly where Thuy-Lan and Scott decided to get married in. Not big fans of common wedding themes, they definitely chose the perfect place for them.

We started the wedding day with a few traditional Vietnamese tea ceremonies which are always a treat for us. Due to the many family members in a tiny room, they challenge us as photographers but they’re always filled with colour and emotion! And before we headed to the ceremony in the amazing cabaret hall, I got a chance to hang out with the guys at the Atwater Market enjoying some Satay Brothers while Magda took photos with Thuy-Lan as she got ready for the big day.

As expected, the atmosphere was amazing at the Lion d’Or. The lighting and setting was really something quite unique for us and we were able to get really nice and creative! Thuy-Lan, Scott and everyone else who said a speech really touched everyone at the reception! The connections between the two of them and within their families were really apparent and matched the ambiance.

Thuy-Lan and Scott, thank you so much for having us be a part of your day! Thank you also for taking us in as your friends throughout the day and we wish you the best life has to offer! Here are our favourite images from your gorgeous wedding…

Thuy-Lan + Scott | Slideshow


johanne ouellette - Bonjour
Ma fille se marie en juin 2016. Nous sommes intéressés à utiliser votre emplacement pour la célébration. Vous pourriez me faire parvenir les détails sur les prix, ce que comprend la location etc…
question: pouvons-nous apporter notre propre vin ?

Merci à l’avance de prendre le temps.

Johanne Ouellette 514-499-6844 (bureau)514-685-4261 (maison)March 18, 2015 – 10:25 am

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