Featured: Ottawa Wedding Magazine – Cover

Well this is quite overdue news which we should have blogged a few months ago but we haven’t gotten around to it because we are running around like chickens with their heads cut off just catching up with life! Anywhoo…we were emailed by the incredibly nice Sue Joyce from the Ottawa Wedding Magazine about whether we would like to submit a few of our images for their upcoming cover of the 2011 spring issue. We shoot quite a bit of Ottawa weddings as well as Montreal because we travel there frequently! Immediately  we got to work sorting through all the images we though were appropriate for the theme and format and sent a few their way.

Magda and I are so thrilled that a few days later we got a phone call from Sue that they chose our image to be on the cover! We have never yet been featured in a magazine before let alone a cover, so you can imaging how excited we both were about the news! It’s on Ottawa news stands until July I believe.

So thank you, thank you, thank you! And of course, thank you to Melissa and Ben who made this image shine with their genuine awesomeness. Just look at her lovely smile!



Angela - YAY! That’s awesome, you guys! Congrats =)February 20, 2011 – 4:50 pm

BaM - Not a bad photo!! Congrats!April 27, 2011 – 10:25 pm

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