the eckersley family – photo session in Ottawa

Harrison. That’s right, the little dude in these photos is named Harrison! Being a Star Wars nerd I immediately knew I had a bond with him ;) This little shoot was really intimate. We came over to the Eckersley family’s home and as usual with all our clients, started chatting about stuff as though we were friends. Had some coffee, rearranged the entire living room and started snapping away! It was kind of half family half maternity session because Jennifer is expecting another one and we were lucky enough to capture her beautiful big belly as well.It was nearly -350?C outside (typical temperature here in Canada) but Jennifer braved the cold and agreed to pose for a few minutes in the beautiful snow! We can’t wait to come by in a few weeks and take some photos of the new addition to the family. Yay!
























Chad Fox - Beautiful family shots, Bartek/Magda. The DOF on the second shot here is great too!February 6, 2011 – 10:28 pm

Ashley - I love how round her belly is! It’s perfect. Also, the shot of their little guy sitting on the ground with his hands under his legs. TOO Cute!February 8, 2011 – 3:27 pm

Bartek & Magda | Blog » Blog Archive » ethan – newborn photo session - [...] that was fast! One day we’re shooting Jennifer and her family for a pre-baby photo session and before we knew it out popped little Ethan, and we were there a couple weeks later to capture [...]March 21, 2011 – 9:12 pm

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