Jenny contacted us a few years ago for their wedding only to be completely bummed that we were already booked for her date! We tried to make it work but unfortunately it didn’t turn out :( It’s now their first wedding anniversary and Mike knew how much Jenny really wanted us to capture them in some way or another, so he secretly booked a one year anniversary shoot with us!! We were really happy he did because working with people like Jenny and Mike was a real pleasure! For this shoot Jenny wanted a winter theme in the Old Port of Montreal as she loves the architecture and history. So we made it happen! The snow fell ever so gracefully the whole time (note for photographers: Canon cameras do not like to get wet!) which made for some beautiful depth of field sparkle! We all unfortunately underestimated the Canadian winter cold and had to keep from freezing over with some warm drinks. It was freeeeeezing! AAAAND their love warmed the photos up…aaaaawww…sorry for the cheese ;) Thank you two for a really fun time and we hope you love these photos as much as we do. We can’t wait to capture your second anniversary… This time let’s aim for a warm destination shoot…saaaaay, Fiji? Vanuatu? Something along those lines. ;)