Carlie + Joel – Espace Reunion Wedding Montreal

One of the first weddings we ever did took place in the caribbean. During that amazing week we became very close friends with the groom and now our very close friend Marc-Andre (who also happens to be an incredibly talented mortgageĀ specialist with a unique vision!). Fast forward to today, and we’re now blessed to be a part of his family once again by taking photos at his brother Joel’s wedding!

It’s these types of relationships that our business of wedding photography allows to make. We are so thankful that our line of work puts us with happy people all day but also allows for an opportunity to make lifelong relationships with new friends.

Carlie and Joel are so well matched with each other that not even an author could have written it better! Their sense of humor is similar, their love for one another and their families is the same, their passion for life is identical and they’re both beautiful people to top it off. They chose to have their wedding ceremony atĀ Sainte-Madeleine d’Outremont complete with an insane performance by an opera singer who literally made everyone gasp as he sang religious hymns. The reception and party was at the ever so chic Espace Reunion which is run by one of the most genuine people in the business we know.

The food was delicious, the dancing was off the hook and our photo booth just added to the fun. We will now leave you with our favourite moments and frames from the day and we would like to thank Carlie and Joel, and their families for having us there for the day. We wish you both a lifetime of happiness!

espace reunion wedding

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Marcia Besner - What a beautiful couple! I love love the shot you got of them sitting on the stone steps where you can see her shoes!September 12, 2013 – 7:21 pm

marie ulysse - I need a re-do because this is look like a fairytale marriage
I know I know I should have done my impossible to have made
It to the wedding.October 6, 2013 – 10:27 pm

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