Rhonda + Adam | Espace Reunion

espace reunion wedding

Maybe it’s because we are dog lovers, but we think it’s extra special when we meet a couple who’s head over heels in love with their four legged family member. Rhonda and Adam have a little pup named Monster who almost stole the show in the morning, but I’m happy to say that Rhonda has her sights set on someone even more special… Adam!

We are lucky that it’s our second wedding in the same month that took place at the beautiful and modern Espace Reunion. The lighting and atmosphere there really added to the mood! The bride and groom get a beautiful “blank Canvas” at Espace, and are able to really add some of their own style, which is exactly what Rhonda and Adam did. It obvious to us really early in the day that Rhonda and Adam have some seriously funny and loving family members so you can imagine the speeches said during dinner were some of the touching, wittiest and funniest we’ve heard in a long time! Especially Adam’s brother who just knocked it out of the park.

We wish Rhonda and Adam an awesome life together and we thank you and your families for having us there to capture every moment. Here is a slideshow as well as our favourite photos from the day!

Rhonda + Adam | Slideshow

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Doreen - great job! I especially like the getting ready and reception pics! ;)September 20, 2013 – 4:55 am

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